
William III statue in Brixham harbour

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William, prince of Orange, afterwards William III, king of Great Britain and Ireland, landed near this spot 5th november 1688 and issued his famous declaration "the liberties of England and the protestant religion I will maintain".

On 5th November 1688 William Prince of Orange, having sail down the English Channel with 15.000 troops, landed in Brixham. William asserted that he would stand by those who did not want the Catholic James II as king, and he was married to James daughter, Mary, who was the next protestant heir ti the English throne. Three day later William marched unopposed from Brixham to London, where he and Mary became joint monarchs whilst James II went into exile. This 1889 satue includes an inscription in Dutch.
The stone on which the Prince reputedly set foot on shore is set in a monument beyond the former Fish Market, where Queen Elizabeth II also stood in 1988, in a visit to mark the tercentanary of William's landing.

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